Okay, so here's my first post on my 15-month old baby, Owen Ho (Little O).
1) Cherry (Little O's nanny) played us out. 2 weeks ago, she flew back to The Philippines. On the day when she was supposed to come back to SG, we received a text from her saying that she will not be coming back to work for us.
2) It had been very tiring (more so for Daddy and my MIL because they had been staying at home) looking after Little O for the past 2 weeks, taking care of his feeding, bathing, playing, etc.
3) With Cherry now gone, Little O has turned into a sticky monster! He refuses to let me out of his sight. If he sees me leaving for work, he'll start crying. I can only sneak away when he is distracted.
Taking the above into consideration, I decided that there was a need for a BCP plan - Little O must be comfortable with others taking care of him and without mommy around. If Daddy and I decide to go on a holiday without Little O, he needs to comfortable with staying with his grandparents.
Therefore, last Sunday morning, I asked my dad (Gong Gong) to fetch Little O from my place to theirs (I needed to assess if Little O was comfortable going out without Mommy). Both Daddy and I would turn up later for lunch. I was afraid that he would start crying once Gong Gong drove off. But according to Gong Gong, he was very well behaved! Well done, Little O!
When Daddy and I reached my parents' place for lunch, Little O saw us at the door. He walked towards us and called "Da-Tih" loud and clear, before walking away! What? No "Ma-ma" or hugs for me? Heh. Nevermind, I'm pretty sure Daddy's heart melted when Little O called out to him.

Little O having fun at the airport with Gong Gong